Week Fifteen
Blog Two: Defining Good
First, in your reading journal/blog write a list of character traits that a good person should have.
What makes a person good? Do people need to follow God's life? Do people need to achieve greatness through careers or hobbies? Do people need to become leaders? There are many question a person could ask to see how one person would become a "good" person.
I believe that writing a list of what makes a person good will only portray to me and others may be able to relate. Everybody must create their own list of how they would be defined as a "good' person.
My list of what makes me a "good" person:
-not judgmental
-devoted to helping others achieve their dreams
-being a friend
-live life to the fullest opportunity that I have been given
-stick to my own beliefs and respect others that believe differently
-relationship with family, friends, and God